13 Dec 2022 More than 1,000 participants at the Road Safety: Goal Zero Victims Convention
SINA – ASTM Group coordinated the afternoon session of the third edition of the Road Safety: Goal Zero Victims convention.
More than 1,000 participants on the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, 21 November 2022, at the third edition of the “Sicurezza Stradale: Obiettivo zero vittime” (Road Safety: Goal Zero Victims)convention, organised by ANAS (FS Group) together with PIARC, the World Road Association (through the committee chaired by SINA), in collaboration with the Association of Engineers of the Province of Rome, the Association of Journalists and sponsored by the National Council of Italian Engineers (CNI).
During the convention, the results of the new ANAS survey on driving styles and behaviour were presented, a study by Politecnico di Milano on accident rates on the ANAS road network. The afternoon session dedicated to the PIARC Committee for National Road Safety Policies and Programmes, chaired by SINA, focused on best management practices, technology, innovations, and solutions for the future of mobility and road safety, with a focus on vulnerable users.
The quality of the talks makes it possible for engineers as well as journalists to receive professional education credits.
The convention video and proceedings are also available at Autostradafacendo.it.